The conference will be in hybrid format, you can follow the online stream and access the Q&A here:
To truly unlock the full benefits of Mobile Cross-Border Government Services, the Single Digital Gateway Regulation (SDGR) and the (updated) eIDAS Regulation must be enabled for mobile-device use that we nowadays naturally expect. This shall come with unprecedented user journeys by making extensive use of automatic attribute provision and SDGR’s once-only principle (OOP), complemented by mobile identification, so that cumbersome filling of complex forms is replaced by user-controlled and user-consented releasing of authoritative data.
By taking advantage of the security features of modern smartphones like hardware-backed secure elements together with integrated convenience elements like biometric sensors, our piloted research meets both the security needs and data-protection expectations one has for public services and the usability challenges that arise when accessing complex services using constrained mobile devices.
By pushing forward the practical use of inclusive mobile Government services in Europe, such services will be brought in line with EU citizens’ expectations for safe, resilient and sustainable mobile communication. It will also support the transformation of an eGovernment-based society into a mobile Government driven society.
Brussels, Rue Guimard 11/13m, Brussels, at the Permanent Representation of Estonia to the EU
4th December 2023
You can only enter the venue with an ID you presented at registration!
If you have any questions regarding the conference, please contact Ms Elis Vollmer.